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How To Make Sea Moss Gel

​Start by rinsing a handful of sea moss under cool water (we rinse ours strand by strand) and place it in a stainless steel or glass container. Add spring water or 9.5 alkaline water, using enough water to cover the sea moss. 

(please see the link at the bottom of the page for information on the machine we use)

Next, squeeze the juice of one key lime over the sea moss while soaking. This will help neutralize the taste. Soak your sea moss for 12-24 hours. 


Once your sea moss is fully soaked it's time to blend! Place your sea moss in a blender and add the water used in the soaking process, using just enough to cover the sea moss.  Blend for about 2 minutes until it makes a smooth mixture.


Finally, pour your sea moss mixture into a clean glass jar and place it in the refrigerator for about an hour where it will harden and form into a gel.  Your sea moss is now ready to be used in your favorite food or beverage or even face masks! Keep refrigerated for up to 3-4 weeks.​

We use a Kangen Machine to clean, soak and blend our sea moss.  The Kangen machine produces 9.5 alkalized living water and helps us to create the cleanest, most fresh sea moss available. To hear more about this amazing machine and how you can attain one for yourself click the link below and send us a message at

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